SCORM eLearning

Boost Your Interactivity
In today’s digital world an engaging, flowing learning experience is a must which can be greatly enhanced with SCORM.
SCORM, which stands for Sharable Content Object Reference Model, is a set of technical standards for eLearning software products. It is the de facto industry standard for eLearning interoperability. Specifically, SCORM governs how online learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMSs) communicate with each other. This means most modern LMS systems can incorporate SCORM.
Learning & Quiz Tools
Dativity SCORM tools present your learning materials and included multi-media in a wide variety of methods to keep your learners engaged.
We can add knowledge checks, quizzes and simple activities along the way to encourage students to interact, rather than simply read materials.
Our creative team can produce graphics, infographics, images and animations for you to help make static materials come to life.
How Can SCORM help?
To increase learning retention, SCORM can help greatly as it utilises both static and interactive modules. These may include multi media, drag and drop, image highlighting, menu driven options and more. Dativity can incorporate other products such as video and animation within your SCORM packages to further enhance the student experience.
Dativity SCORM Base Packages
Base packages include at least the following...
- Photos provided by Dativity and client as required
- Videos and audio included if needed, provided by client as raw or Youtube
- Up to 10 Multiple choice or True/False questions (not actual assessment) spread throughout.
- Text, Carousel, checkboxes, lists, file attachments.
- Accordian blocks, Processes and Sorting Activity if applicable.
- 1 x Hotspot / Labelled graphic.
SCORM and your L.M.S
We create and export your SCORM content in 'packages' which fit the specifications of your LMS. Once we've built your SCORM packages they can be moved to other LMS systems if you change in the future, giving you flexibility in your business.
SCORM Options and Extras
Additional options include at least the following...
- Animated Introductions - One animation - Welcome To The course overview with Avatar, custom voice over and text on screen captions. Up to 90 seconds. Click For Information
- Quizzes - Automatically Assessed quizzes with feedback for correct/incorrect responses. Includes Choose from multiple choice, multiple response, fill-in-the-blank, and matching questions. 10 Questions per set.
- Flash Cards - Flashcards are a click-and-reveal interaction using a mix of text and images which flip to show the reverse side. Pricing per set of up to 6
- Chart Blocks - Create stylish data visualizations for your projects with chart blocks. Options include bar, line, and pie charts. Pricing per set of 3.
- Scenario Blocks - Use dialogue, responses, and feedback to create your scenario, moving from scene to scene based on users responses. Great for soft skills training. Pricing for up to 5 scenes.
Some LMS Platforms We Work With